Cahaba River

Watercolor mixed-media illustration

Cahaba River

The Cahaba River is one of the most biodiverse waterways in the U.S: one of eight biodiversity hotspots in the world, according to The Nature Conservancy. It hosts more fish species per mile than any other river of its size in North America and supports 69 rare and imperiled species. Some species, notably Black Warrior waterdog, Cahaba shiner, flattened musk turtle, Cahaba pebblesnail, pygmy sculpin and watercress darter, are found only in Alabama; and in the case of the watercress darter, only in Birmingham. (sources: Cahaba River Society, Outdoor Alabama, Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)

Key of species: Cahaba Indian Paintbrush, Blue Catfish, Southern Sand Darter, Cahaba Pebblesnail, Pygmy Sculpin, Watercress Darter, Frecklebelly Madtom, Cahaba Mussel, Flattened Musk Turtle, Black Warrior Waterdog, Cahaba Shiner, Mallow Hibiscus, Bluenose Shiner, Cahaba Lily, Southern Leopard Frog, Cave Salamander

Cahaba River Print
$20 (8.5 x 11 inch) or $30 (11 x 14 inch)

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